Financial media is like all media, there is a lot of it and it comes at you from all angles. Your laptop, phone, TV, there's no escape. "Beyond Meat is rocketing to the moon, get in before it's too late!" "Household debt is out of control, the next crisis is coming. Sell now!" Endless "experts" looking into their crystal balls, pushing their opinions and presenting them as facts. No one knows the future. If they did, they wouldn't be broadcasting it. A poker player doesn't announce their cards to the table. Real information is kept to themselves to profit. Be skeptical of financial fortune-tellers - or any fortune-teller for that matter . They're likely acting out of self-interest, promoting their own strategy or baiting for clicks. Rational minds acknowledge that markets are unpredictable and the future is unknown ( crazy, right? ). Despite the uncertainty of markets, decades of data demonstrate it trends up over time.