I'm a big fan of credit cards, they're my go-to way to pay. When used correctly, you can reap rewards at no cost at all. Credit card companies are smart though, they're not in the business of free lunches. They know how to make money and lots of it. They make billions every year. Interest is the big money maker, accounting for 40% of earnings. Interest is applied whenever someone carries a balance. When your payment comes due, you have two options. You can either pay off your balance in full or pay the minimum. The minimum payment is enticing because it can be much smaller. It's a trap! Don't fall for it. Smart credit card users never just pay the minimum. They pay the balance in full so interest is never owed. How the Minimum Payment is Calculated The minimum payment is typically the greater of: 1% of your balance or a set minimum amount, such as $10 If your balance is lower than the set minimum, then your minimum payment would simply be the b